Friday, 29 August 2014

Power of imagination

"The power of imagination is infinite"
I remember a moment where my imagination transformed into reality, if we can create in our heads surely we would be able to carry out these steps into reality... Sometimes it can seem like our envisioned ideals are merely a fragment of our thinking, we then turn these great ideas into something that seems rather impossible, why is this? Is it because of we believe our minds are greater than our capabilities; of what we can actually instill? Is it self doubt or do our thoughts force us to believe it is something beyond our human capabilities? Perhaps it's just that we don't want to take risks? 

I believe our imagination is the silent driving force behind society. The innovations that are developing today was once simply a fragment of someone's mind. 'Imagine' the greatness we can achieve if we build upon our imaginations... We can all achieve anything by believing in our thoughts and creating our envisioned lives into reality, it may not be the easiest journey to travel but it will be worth while, just imagine your life, create your imagination, display your talents and enrich yourself and your mind. 

Our minds eye can be the strongest driving force... 

Thursday, 7 August 2014

Artistic Approach...

As I was walking along Pitt St in the corner of my eye I sighted a mammoth art work, I was drawn towards the detailed work of art. As I observed the work I was intrigued by the detail, the density and precision used to create such a marvellous piece. The piece reflected 'The last judgement', the vivid colours and complex nature of the work encapsulated me and the passers by that gazed in awe of the artists talent. The artist was not only working on the beautiful piece, but had also created numerous smaller works for the public to take with them that were placed in front with a sign stating 'Free, Please take one'. The artist was connecting with his audience on a very personal level through sharing his talent and allowing the audience to keep his art as a token of remembrance. I found this to be a unique characteristic that I have not previously observed, the audience could feel an emotional bond with the artist and his work through this beautiful practise. I felt as though the artist truly wanted to share his passion with us, not only was his artistic approach authentic but also very intimate and welcoming, through this a distinctive and sincere atmosphere was created.

Wednesday, 6 August 2014


"Studies of the past enable us to understand where we have come from, and something of the complex choices and decisions that have led to where we are today. Without that perspective our understanding is limited. We become prisoners of the present, unable to foresee alternatives, or recognise our own possibilities of choice" Hazel, H 1987