influence of Classical antiquity has defined many forthcoming generations, with
new artists, sculptors, writers and inventors trying to mimic if not surpass
the achievements of the ancients. The following generations viewed their
ancients as potent inspiration whilst aspiring to be like them, this ideal has
been carried on to create world movements such as the renaissance and
neo-classicism. Dress styles from classical antiquity has defined the fashion
industry for years with designers incorporating reliefs from antiquity into
their work such as pattern shapes, techniques and more direct influence such as
mimicking sculptures. Exploring the influence of classical antiquity in
contemporary fashion to determine whether fashion would cease to exist today in
the nature the industry creates a strong viewpoint many designers are intrigued
by. To understand why classical antiquity has such a strong influence until the
present day is a factor that manoeuvres over the industry.
I am exploring motifs and symbolism from Classical Antiquity to create a foundation for my new project, generations after the Classical period viewed their ancients as potent inspiration whilst trying mimic their ideas if not able to surpass them. The Classical period has fascinated me from a very young age; the cultural influences in art and fashion have in particular influenced my work over the years allowing me to discover my personal artistic style.
Designers perpetually express favor towards
antiquity not only for aesthetic purposes but also for functionality. Designers
also allow the ideals of this time to define their brand as the values and
intriguing stories and creations from antiquity can be viewed as a vital tool to
enhance design and production. The groundwork the ancients left their following
generations are looked upon and have been constantly renewed for centuries,
contemporary designers use this foundation in combination with current
technologies such as 3D printing, digital printing and innovative fabrications.
The distinct elements from antiquity are successful in design hence the
constant allusion to the era.