Event Description
Innovative Fashion: Transition
Laser cutting, textile manipulation, heat activated materials, and 3D printing textile manipulation are the focus of Sydney-based fashion designer Tanu Vasu. Tanu has challenged the aesthetic of conventional garments to create innovative items while incorporating artisanal techniques. Tanu's designs combine mutuality between ideological abstractions from historical eras and subjective perceptions. Imagination yields authority within Tanu’s design practice, often provoking paradoxical relationships between elation and poignancy, modernity and antiquity. Tanu has created a distinct visual signature with her collections through deriving concepts from a number of domains.
Fashion is one of the most accessible forms of design; through a carefully curated installation of innovative work explore how cutting-edge technologies, historical ideals and science can influence design.
REGESTER HERE: https://www.eventbrite.com.au/e/innovative-fashion-transition-sydney-design-festival-registration-25614588925